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  1. Are Chihuahuas hypoallergic?

Answer: No! Although Chihuahuas don’t shed their fur a lot and they don’t produce large amounts of dander, they still are not considered to be hypoallergenic canines. But this breed can still be a really good option for the allergy sufferers.

  1. Are Chihuahuas friendly with Kids?

Answer: Chihuahuas are known to be easily provoked and irritated, and that’s why they are not considered to be suitable for the families that have very small kids in their homes. As young kids generally don’t know how to treat a canine or how to gently play with them and they inadvertently can provoke a Chihuahua and that’s why this may not be the best breed to raise as a pet if you have a small child present in your home. To make a Chihuahua more sociable and kinder to kids, it is better to start training and socializing it with a lot of people, especially with small children, from a very young age.

  1. Are Chihuahuas friendly with other dogs?

Answer: Training and introducing a Chihuahua to a lot of other canines at the puppy stage is very important to develop his social skills. If a Chihuahua has been properly trained by his owner and has been well-socialized at a young age, then this canine can be fairly friendly and affable with other dogs. But, without proper guidance, Chihuahuas are not considered to be immensely sociable canines.

  1. Are Chihuahuas friendly with cats?

Answer: Yes! Chihuahuas are a lot more tender and friendlier with cats than they are with other canines. These pooches mix fairly well with other small animals including cats and are known to be immensely kind to them.

  1. Do Chihuahuas make good guard Dogs?

Answer: The small size of these canines definitely limits their guarding potential, but still they do make a great watchdog and can effectively alert their owners in case of an intruder or a trespasser. These canines are highly territorial as well, which means they are very possessive about their property and home and will do anything to keep it safe.

  1. Are Chihuahuas apartment friendly?

Answer: Yes! Chihuahuas are awesome apartment pets that don’t require a lot of exercise and movement on a daily basis and are highly adjustable as well. They love to stay inside their homes and most of their exercise requirements can be easily fulfilled inside their house only.

  1. How much do Chihuahuas shed?

Answer: Very little! Chihuahuas are extremely minimal shedders. They only shed their fur on an occasional basis and that too in a very limited manner and because of that they are considered to be a pretty decent option for those people who can easily have an allergic reaction from a canine’s hair and dander.

  1. Are Chihuahuas good for first-time owners?

Answer: Raising and maintaining a Chihuahua is fairly easy because of its low demands and needs and therefore it can be a good canine for a first-time owner. But, properly training and socializing a dog with others is also very important and it is even more crucial in case of a Chihuahua and that is why all the novice and first-time owners should be ready to properly handle and guide their canines if they decide to go with a Chihuahua as their first pooch.

  1. Do Chihuahuas bark a lot?

Answer: Yes! Chihuahuas can be excessive barkers if they are not properly trained. They have a habit of expressing themselves verbally and they can become a bit noisy for some owners. Hence, it is better to start working on their bad habits as soon as they are good to get trained.

  1. How much exercise does a Chihuahua need daily?

Answer: Not a lot! These canines have pretty low exercise requirements and a short walk and small play sessions on a daily basis are enough to satisfy these canines and keep them healthy and happy. Their exercise sessions should last for about 20-30 minutes only as overexerting these canines is not a good idea and it can have a bad effect on their physical state.

  1. Can Chihuahuas live alone for a long time in a day?

Answer: Chihuahuas, like most other breeds, are not very tolerant of being left alone for long periods of time in a day. They prefer the company of their loved ones and owners and are happy to stay close to them. But, if there is no other option and you have to leave a Chihuahua home alone for a few hours in a day, then the best way for that is to create a comfortable environment for your pooch so that, when you leave him alone, he can remain cosy and happy. You can do so by keeping the temperature of the room pleasant, providing the canine with all his favorite toys and games and by taking him to a walk just before you are about to leave him so that he can comfortably rest without thinking that much about his owner and family members.

  1. Are Chihuahuas easy to train?

Answer: Chihuahuas are fast learners and they can be taught a lot of different things like new commands and tricks fairly easily if their owner/trainer is experienced, gentle and patient with them. These canines can be a bit stubborn during the training sessions and at that time it is very important for the owner to keep his calm and patiently treat his pooch as these canines are quite sensitive in nature and they might get hurt if they are treated roughly.

  1. What are Chihuahua's grooming needs?

Answer: Chihuahuas are found in two different types of coats: long and short. The short-coated Chihuahuas are only to be brushed on an occasional basis, but the long-coated canines should be brushed at least once every week. Both the kinds of Chihuahuas should be given occasional baths so that they can remain clean and fresh. Their nails should be trimmed regularly and their teeth can be brushed whenever it is necessary.

  1. What is the Chihuahua's tolerance to heat?

Answer: Chihuahuas have a pretty average tolerance to heat and high temperatures. They can reside in a place that is known for its hot climatic conditions, only if they are kept comfortable and are properly looked after by their owners. Also, their exercise sessions should be avoided when the weather outside the house is not that suitable for them.

  1. What is the Chihuahua's tolerance to cold?

Answer: Poor! Their tolerance to cold is worse than their tolerance to heat. These canines cannot survive in very cold and chilly areas and thus should always be given extra care and attention whenever the conditions outside the house become a bit harsh especially during the winter months.

  1. Is Chihuahua an intelligent dog breed?

Answer: Yes! Chihuahuas, when in the right mood, can learn a lot of things from their owners very quickly as their learning skills are pretty great. Their problem-solving abilities are also very good, thus making them a decently intelligent canine breed.

  1. Is Chihuahua stranger friendly?

Answer: If they are properly introduced to a lot of different people at a young age, then Chihuahuas are fairly amiable and friendly with strangers. They are not that reserved when meeting someone new and can make new friends fairly quickly if their social skills are properly honed.

  1. Do Chihuahuas drool a lot?

Answer: No! Chihuahuas only drool when they are expecting their food or when they are eating something delicious, but apart from that, they don’t drool all that much.

  1. Are Chihuahuas expensive and high maintenance dogs?

Answer: No! Chihuahuas are not that expensive canines and the cost for bringing a Chihuahua home and then properly maintaining it is not that high and is pretty pocket-friendly for most people. These canines are fairly easy to handle and raise and their low demands and needs (grooming, exercise etc.) certainly make them an easier-to-maintain canine breed.

  1. Are Chihuahuas easily available in India?

Answer: Chihuahua is a fairly popular breed in India and its demand and availability are also pretty decent in most parts of this country. In most major states like Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, finding a Chihuahua should not be that hard for someone, but their availability in smaller areas is still not very high.

  1. What is the avg price of a Chihuahua puppy in India?

Answer: The average price of a Chihuahua puppy in India is around ₹08,000 to ₹20,000. But there are a lot of factors that affect their price in the country and because of that, the cost of bringing a Chihuahua puppy home can go fairly high.

  1. Do Chihuahuas like to swim?

Answer: Chihuahuas can swim when given the opportunity, but it doesn’t mean that all of them would love it also. Some might be happy to take a dive in the pool, but others might not like to get wet or float in the water.

  1. What Colors do Chihuahuas Come In?

Answer: Chihuahuas can come in a lot of different colors and most of them are listed below:

  • Black
  • White
  • Black & Tan
  • Chocolate
  • Cream
  • Fawn
  • Gold
  1. What is a Chihuahua’s lifespan?

Answer: Chihuahuas have an awesome lifespan of about 14-18 years. And, if they are given proper care and attention, then they can even live past 20 years of age.

  1. What are the most common health issues for the Chihuahuas?

Answer: The most common health problems that are found in the Chihuahuas are eye diseases, heart problems, patellar luxation, idiopathy epilepsy, and some genetic issues.