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  • Origin: India
  • Alternate names: Poligar hound, Indian Sight-Hound
  • Size: Medium to Large
  • Life Span: 09-11 years
  • Popularity: Ranking N/A
  • Availability in India: Moderate
  • Avg Puppy Price in India: ₹5,000 to ₹10,000
  • Dog Breed Group: Hound Group
  • Guide Dog: No

Is Rajapalayam Good for Indians?

Well, if someone is looking for a strong, sturdy and durable breed which is also extremely affordable to both purchase and raise, then this magnificent yet underrated breed can be a good option for them. The Rajapalayam dog is an Indian bred canine who is known to make an excellent house pet. It's tremendously adaptable, has extremely good tolerance to high temperatures and is fairly loyal to its owners and all these qualities make this breed quite good to raise in India. But, one thing to note is that their availability is below average in the country and they are only found in the South Indian region of the nation. Their numbers are also gradually decreasing; hence these dogs are hard to come by.

Rajapalayam Dog Official Breed Standards

The Rajapalayam is a medium to large sized dog breed that is very well-built and has a lean and muscular body. These dogs possess a good amount of gracefulness and are equally agile and active. The standards for the Rajapalayam dogs are given as follows:

  • Rajapalayam Height and Weight

The mass and overall stature of this breed are in a good proportion to each other. The average weight of the Rajapalayam dogs is around 22-25 kilograms and their height is somewhere between the range of 26-29 inches (at the withers).






22-25 kg

26-29 inch


22-25 kg

26-29 inch

  • Coat

They have a dense, fine and short coat which is evenly spread all over their body. The coat is a little firm and hard on the back and legs but it is fairly soft and smooth on the head region.

  • Body

The Rajapalyam dogs have a long and slender body with a strong neck that carries their head high and is of fair length. The chest area is deep with well-sprung ribs and the back region is straight and sturdy. Their tail is a bit slim and tapering in nature and the forelegs and hind legs are fairly long, straight and strong and provide the required balance to the rest of the body.

  • Head

They possess a dome-shaped head which is in proportion to their body. They have almond-shaped, medium sized eyes which are placed well-apart from each other and are mostly found in a dark color tone. The ears are shaped like a pendant (V-shape) and have a soft-leathery texture on them. They are placed decently high on the head.

  • Jaws

They have a finely developed jaw region. Their teeth are evenly placed inside their mouth and they possess a scissors bite. Their overall muzzle is fairly long and quite powerful.

  • Temperament

The Rajapalayam dogs are highly affectionate and affable in nature. They are friendly and loving to their family members and enjoy their company a lot. They are known to develop a special bond with any one family member but are loyal and devoted to all the people who are close to them and who they can trust. They are excellent guard dogs and possess a fair amount of protective instincts for their loved ones. They don’t do extremely well with very small kids and canines but they bond well with older children and dogs. They also are very energetic and athletic in nature and they love to spend their abundant energy on some kind of intense physical activity like running and playing games with their family members. The general temperamental traits of the Rajapalayam dogs are as follows:

  • Affectionate
  • Alert
  • Devoted
  • Courageous
  • Loyal
  • Protective
  • Energetic

Rajapalayam Dog Overview

The Rajapalayam breed might not be very popular like a Labrador Retriever or a German Shepherd, but this hound type dog is on par with those breed in terms of practicality, durability, and athleticism. Originated in Southern-India, the Rajapalayam dogs are immensely well-built and sturdy canines who are also quite handsome to look at. They were bred to be exceptional hunters and were also very loyal to their masters. And, all these qualities are still intact in these dogs.

The Rajapalyam dogs are really good companions as they are fairly obedient in nature and are always eager to please their owners. They also are highly territorial and possess a decent watchdog ability which enables them to be fantastic guard dogs and protectors of their families. They don’t easily trust a stranger and remain quite alert and aware of their surroundings and hence it is a good idea to start socializing this breed at a young age. It is good for them if they are properly introduced to a bunch of people as early as possible so that they can later properly differentiate between an actual stranger and someone who is friendly but not that well-known to them.

The only concerning thing about the Rajapalayam dogs is that their numbers are pretty low and that’s why their availability in the country is also below average. There are just a few pockets of these dogs present in the southern state of India, Tamil Nadu. But, there are also several efforts and initiatives going on in the country to raise awareness about the declining numbers of this excellent breed. And, it is very important for all of us to understand the significance of such breeds and start doing something to bring them back from the verge of being extinct.

Popular Rajapalyam Types and Colors

There are officially no different kinds of Rajapalayam dogs. They are mostly found in a single color which is Milk White. But there are some rare cases of this breed being found in Brown and Black color.

Rajapalayam Dog Breed Characteristics



Sensitivity Level


Affection Level


Potential for mouthiness




Drooling Potential


Barking Tendencies


Energy Level


Friendly towards dogs


Health Issues


Friendly towards other animals




Child Friendly




Exercise Needs


Shedding Level


Grooming Needs


Social Needs


Good for novice owners


Stranger Friendly




Watchdog Ability


Tolerates Heat


Tolerates Cold


Rajapalayam Maintenance and Care

  • Feeding

The Rajapalyam dogs are lean and athletic canines so it is important to keep their calorie consumption under control. They should be given a high-quality dog food which can be either home-cooked or commercially manufactured. They should be fed multiple meals in a day when they are at the puppy stage but only two meals in a day are enough for them when they become a full-grown doggy.

  • Exercise

This breed requires a lot of exercise on a daily basis to remain fit and fine. They were bred as hunters, thus they possess a pretty high stamina and are extremely energetic. They love to run at high speeds in a park or an open area but it is important to only let them off their leash if the area is properly fenced as they can easily outrun their owners. Also, playing various games with them (catch the ball etc.), having long walks and regularly training them can keep these dogs both physically and mentally sound.

  • Training

Under well-experienced owners, these dogs can learn a lot of different skills and commands in a fairly quick time. They are quite trainable and their decent intelligence level helps them to grasp and understand various things very easily while getting trained. But, they can be sometimes a bit stubborn during the training sessions especially if being trained by a novice dog owner/trainer. Hence, this breed is mostly recommended to knowledgeable dog owners and not to the new and inexperienced dog parents.

  • Grooming and Shedding

They possess a smooth and short coat which requires a moderate amount of grooming to look neat and tidy. Brushing their coat at least once or twice per week is necessary to remove extra dead hair from their skin. They can be bathed occasionally but their nails should be trimmed on a regular basis. Also brushing their teeth is quite important to maintain proper dental health. Coming to their shedding potential, then this breed is a frequent shedder. They shed at least once or twice per year quite profusely and during other times, the shedding is limited and controllable through extra brushing sessions.

  • Health Issues

The Rajapalyam dogs generally tend to remain healthy and fine throughout their lifetime, but they have a chance of developing genetic disorders and are also prone to some common health issues which are as follows:

  • Deafness (common in white coat dogs)
  • Blindness (common in blue-eyed puppies)
  • Dermatitis
  • Mange
  • Visits to the Vet

These dogs are not required to be taken to a veterinarian’s clinic on a frequent or regular basis because of their general good health and fitness (only if given proper care, nutrition and exercise).

Rajapalayam History and Background

This breed was created by the people of Nayak Dynasty of Tamil Nadu, India. This canine first originated in a small town known as Rajapalyam and that became the inspiration behind its naming. These dogs are also referred to as Poligar hounds because they played an important role in Polygar wars (and Carnatic Wars) that took place at the end of the 18th century.

This breed was exclusively used for hunting purposes and they were extremely good at tracking and catching small games. Later, these dogs became exceptional guard dogs as they were also being used to protect the rice fields, farms, and homes. They were very loyal and devoted to their owners and thus were highly appreciated by most people for their efforts and faithfulness.

The true ancestors of the Rajapalayam dogs are still unknown but it is speculated by a lot of theorists that these canines had some role to play in the breeding of the modern Dalmatian. This breed was recently registered by the Kennel Club of India. But, with such a rich history and wonderful traits, it is unfortunate that the Rajapalayam is still yet to be recognized by most of the major Kennel Clubs all around the world.