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Wire Fox Terrier


  1. Are Wire Fox Terriers hypoallergenic?

Answer: Yes! The Wire Fox Terriers are hypoallergenic canines. They don’t produce a lot of dander and they only shed their fur on very rare occasions (mostly during the shedding season) and that too in a fairly limited manner.

  1. Are Wire Fox Terriers friendly with Kids?

Answer: Yes! The Wire Fox Terriers are immensely friendly and kind to kids. These dogs love to play loads of games with children of all ages and are happy to spend a lot of their time in the company of a fun-loving child. They are fairly gentle and careful with kids as well and that is why the WFT is considered to be a suitable breed for kids.

  1. Are Wire Fox Terriers friendly with other dogs?

Answer: Generally, the Wire Fox Terriers are not very friendly and warm with other canines. They mostly remain very quiet and reserved around other pooches and if they aren’t trained properly, then some WFTs may also act a little aggressively with other dogs especially if they are of the same gender. These wirehaired canines need constant training and guidance from their owners so as to become a bit more sociable in nature.

  1. Are Wire Fox Terriers friendly with cats?

Answer: The WFTs are not known to get along that well with most other household pets including the members of the feline family. These dogs have the habit of chasing down other smaller animals such as cats and that is why they are not a good option for those families who want to raise a cat and a dog at the same time in their home.

  1. Do Wire Fox Terriers make good guard Dogs?

Answer: The Wire Fox Terriers do not have the right amount of aggression that is required to be a decent guard dog. But still, these canines are known to make pretty efficient watchdogs instead. They are extremely good at looking after their homes and property and they can effectively alert their owners in case of an intruder, trespasser or burglar. 

  1. Are Wire Fox Terriers apartment friendly?

Answer: The WFTs are fine apartment dogs. They mostly remain relaxed and calm inside their homes but it is very important to fulfill all their exercise needs on a regular basis as without proper work and movement, these canines can become a bit bored and restless.

  1. How much do Wire Fox Terriers shed?

Answer: The Wire Fox Terriers are not known to shed a lot. They only shed in a considerable manner during the shedding season but this can also be controlled through regular brushing of their coat during the shedding period.

  1. Are Wire Fox Terriers good for first-time owners?

Answer: The Wire Fox Terriers are not considered to be a great option for the novice or first-time owners as these pooches need a lot of training and guidance from their owners so as to become a bit more sociable with others and only an experienced owner can properly handle such canines. Also, these dogs have fairly high exercise needs and a novice owner may get a bit overwhelmed from fulfilling all the exercise and work requirements of the WFTs.

  1. Do Wire Fox Terriers bark a lot?

Answer: Yes! The Wire Fox Terriers do bark quite a lot. These pooches mostly vocalize to express their feelings or to get their owners’ attention. They are also known to sometimes bark when they are guarding their homes or after encountering a suspicious stranger.

  1. How much exercise does a Wire Fox Terrier need daily?

Answer: The WFTs need a decent amount of regular exercise so as to remain fit, fine and healthy. Long walks at least once or twice every day are highly necessary for these dogs. They are also very playful in nature and they love to play various light-hearted games with their family members like catch-the-ball, frisbeeing et cetera, hence, regular play sessions should also be given to them as it not only keeps them active and moving but it also makes them happy and cheerful.

  1. Can Wire Fox Terriers live alone for a long time in a day?

Answer: Leaving the WFTs alone at home for a few hours is probably fine but if you are thinking about leaving this breed alone for a long period of time, then it's not a really good idea. These dogs can become immensely bored, restless and even frustrated due to loneliness and if this is done to them on a regular basis, then various bad habits can be developed in the WFTs like incessant barking, destructive chewing et cetera. Hence, it is always advised never to leave this breed all alone for an extended period of time, especially on a regular basis.

  1. Are Wire Fox Terriers easy to train?

Answer: The Wire Fox Terriers are not immensely hard to train especially if an experienced and skilled owner is involved in the process. These canines are fairly responsive and agreeable during the training sessions and they are known to listen to their owners’ commands quite intently. They can learn all the new things like new commands and tricks fairly quickly and their retention power is also quite decent. A knowledgeable owner shouldn’t face a lot of problems while training this bold and confident breed.

  1. What are Wire Fox Terrier's grooming needs?

Answer: The grooming needs of the WFTs are fairly manageable. Weekly brushing of the coat and occasional baths (preferably once every month) are more than enough for these canines so as to remain neat and tidy. But it is important to clean their ears on a regular basis so as to avoid any potential ear infections or diseases. Finally, their teeth should be brushed regularly and their nails should be trimmed whenever it is required as overly long nails can cause a lot of pain to the canines.

  1. What is the Wire Fox Terrier's tolerance to heat?

Answer: The Wire Fox Terriers have a fine tolerance to heat. They can easily survive in moderately warm areas (if given proper care and protection by their owners) and thus they are a good option for those people who want to raise a canine in slightly hot and summery regions.

  1. What is the Wire Fox Terrier's tolerance to cold?

Answer: The Wire Fox Terriers’ tolerance to cold and low-temperature is pretty good. They can comfortably reside in chilly and cold areas and they do not need a lot of care and protection from their owners as some other breeds do.

  1. Is Wire Fox Terrier an intelligent dog breed?

Answer: Yes! The WFTs are pretty smart canines. They have great learning and thinking skills and their decision-making abilities are also quite decent.

  1. Is Wire Fox Terrier stranger friendly?

Answer: The WFT’s, if given proper training and if they are well-socialized with others, can be fairly friendly with strangers. But if their training is neglected, then these pooches mostly remain very reserved and quiet around strangers.

  1. Do Wire Fox Terriers drool a lot?

Answer: No! The Wire Fox Terriers do not drool a lot. They mostly drool when they are excited or after eating/drinking something, but apart from this, they don’t slobber all that much.

  1. Are Wire Fox Terriers expensive and high maintenance dogs?

Answer: Yes! The Wire Fox Terriers are pretty expensive canines whose maintenance needs are also fairly high. These canines require regular exercise so as remain fit and contented and If their work needs are not fulfilled on a regular basis, then these dogs can become a bit bored and restless in nature. Also, these pooches need to be constantly trained by their owners, especially when they are small so that they could become a bit less stubborn and more sociable in nature. And due to all these reasons, the WFTs are considered to be fairly high-maintenance canines.

  1. Are Wire Fox Terriers easily available in India?

Answer: The availability of these canines in India is fairly subpar. They can be found in some of the better-known cities of this country, but when it comes to their availability in most of the smaller regions of India, then it is still pretty low.

  1. What is the avg price of a Wire Fox Terrier puppy in India?

Answer: The average price of a Wire Fox Terrier puppy in India is around ₹40,000 to ₹50,000. But there are a lot of factors that affect their price in the country and because of that, the cost of bringing a Wire Fox Terrier puppy home can go fairly high.

  1. Do Wire Fox Terriers like to swim?

Answer: Yes! Most WFTs absolutely love to spend some time swimming or playing in the water. These pooches are fairly comfortable and happy whenever they are near a water body and apart from making these canines cheerful, swimming also helps in keeping these dogs active and healthy. But there are some WFTs who don’t enjoy swimming as much as some other dogs do and it is very important never to force such canines to swim or play in the water.

  1. What Colors do Wire Fox Terriers Come In?

Answer: The Wire Fox Terriers mostly come in the following color combinations that are listed below:

  • White
  • White & Black
  • White & Tan
  • White Black & Tan (Tan being less prominent color)
  • White Tan & Black (Black being less prominent color)
  1. What is a Wire Fox Terrier’s lifespan?

Answer: The Wire Fox Terriers have a fairly decent lifespan of about 12-15 years. But some of these pooches may even live longer than 15 years of age if they are consistently given proper care, protection, exercise, and nutrition.

  1. What are the most common health issues for the Wire Fox Terriers?

Answer: Most common health problems found in the Wire Fox Terriers are Cataract, Primary Lens Luxation, Glaucoma, Elbow Dysplasia, Hip Dysplasia, Patellar Luxation, and Wobbler’s Gait.