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Bernese Mountain Dog


  1. Are Bernese Mountain Dogs hypoallergenic?

Answer: No! The Bernese Mountain Dogs are not hypoallergenic canines. These pooches are known to shed their fur on a regular basis and they also produce a decent amount of dander and that is why this breed is not very suitable for allergy sufferers.

  1. Are Bernese Mountain Dogs friendly with Kids?

Answer: Yes! The Bernese Mountain Dogs are fairly friendly and affectionate with small kids. These dogs mostly remain quite gentle and careful whenever they are around a small child and are also happy to play loads of games with children belonging to any age group. This is a fine breed for those potential owners who are looking for a kind and cheerful playmate for their kid.

  1. Are Bernese Mountain Dogs friendly with other dogs?

Answer: Well-trained and properly socialized Bernese Mountain Dogs are known to get along just fine with other canines. These dogs have a sweet and welcoming personality and they are happy to interact with other pooches. But to make sure that the Bernese Mountain Dogs turn out to be fairly sociable and gregarious with others when they grow up, it is important to start socializing them with other beings and also it is crucial to begin their training at an early age.

  1. Are Bernese Mountain Dogs friendly with cats?

Answer: Properly raised and trained Bernese Mountain Dogs remain fairly cordial and warm with most of the other household pets such as cats. These canines are happy to share their toys and food with other smaller animals like cats and thus are considered to be a decent breed for those people who want to raise a cat and a dog at the same time in their house.

  1. Do Bernese Mountain Dogs make good guard Dogs?

Answer: Rather than calling these canines a great guard dog, they should be rightfully referred to as pretty decent watchdogs. These pooches can efficiently look after their home and property and they effectually alert their owners through their bark in case of an intruder, trespasser or a burglar. But as they don’t have the required amount of aggression, they should not be considered as a guarding canine.

  1. Are Bernese Mountain Dogs apartment friendly?

Answer: Generally, the Bernese Mountain Dogs are not considered to be very suitable for apartments and small houses, but if all their exercise needs are properly fulfilled on a regular basis, then these pooches can gradually learn to adjust to the apartment lifestyle.

  1. How much do Bernese Mountain Dogs shed?

Answer: The Bernese Mountain Dogs are heavy shedders. These pooches are known to shed their fur all around the year and that too in decent quantities. But the frequency and amount of shedding can further increase during the shedding season which usually comes at least twice every year.

  1. Are Bernese Mountain Dogs good for first-time owners?

Answer: No! The Bernese Mountain Dogs is a pretty demanding breed. These pooches have fairly high exercise, grooming and feeding needs. They also require the guidance of an experienced owner so as to become more sociable in nature. And as there are a ton of responsibilities that come along with these canines, they are not considered to be highly suitable for novice or first-time owners as they can very easily be overwhelmed with all the maintenance needs that come along with the Bernese Mountain Dogs.

  1. Do Bernese Mountain Dogs bark a lot?

Answer: The Bernese Mountain Dogs are not excessive barkers. They mostly bark when they want their owner’s attention or when they want to express their feelings. They can also sometimes bark when they are looking after or guarding their home and they detect something suspicious, but apart from all this, these pooches are not known to vocalize at other times or for any unnecessary reasons.

  1. How much exercise does a Bernese Mountain Dog need daily?

Answer: This is a fairly athletic breed that requires a lot of exercise on a daily basis to remain healthy and happy. Long walks or running session in a properly fenced area or a park are good for these pooches. Regular playtime is also quite necessary for them. These dogs also excel at several different kinds of canine sporting activities like agility, herding, tracking, obedience et cetera, but this is only possible if these pooches remain fit, well-exercised and properly trained.

  1. Can Bernese Mountain Dogs live alone for a long time in a day?

Answer: No! The Bernese Mountain Dogs are highly faithful and devoted canines that like to stay close to their loved ones and family members. So, when they are left alone in the house for long periods of time, these pooches can easily become very sad, frustrated and demotivated and this is mainly because these dogs are prone to separation anxiety. And due to this, these canines can develop some destructive traits like incessant barking, furniture chewing et cetera. Hence, it is highly advised not to leave these Bernese Mountain Dogs all alone for extended periods of time.

  1. Are Bernese Mountain Dogs easy to train?

Answer: For an experienced and skilled owner, it is not a very difficult task to train a Bernese Mountain Dog. These pooches mostly remain fairly agreeable and alert during the training sessions and they always listen to their owners’ commands very intently. These canines are happy to learn new things from their owners but it is important to train them with love and affection only as these pooches have sensitive personality and their feelings can easily get hurt if their owners decide to use any harsh training methods.

  1. What are Bernese Mountain Dog's grooming needs?

Answer: The grooming needs of the Bernese Mountain Dogs are fairly high. Their coat is needed to be brushed at least twice or thrice every week so as to remove extra loose hair from their body. The frequency of brushing should be increased during the periods of heavy shedding as it can help in controlling the shedding process to a certain extent. Their bathing needs are fairly manageable and a once a month bath is probably more than enough for these canines to remain clean and dirt free. Their nails should be trimmed on a regular basis as cause a lot of pain to a canine especially while it is walking or sprinting.

  1. What is the Bernese Mountain Dog's tolerance to heat?

Answer: The Bernese Mountain Dogs have a poor tolerance to heat. These pooches are not made for highly warm and summery areas and they can easily get a heat stroke and can suffer from various health-issues if they are kept outside the house for a long time in a high-temperature region.

  1. What is the Bernese Mountain Dog's tolerance to cold?

Answer: The Bernese Mountain Dogs’ tolerance to cold is excellent. This canine has a thick coat that protects it from harsh and cold climatic conditions. It is a great breed for those people who want to raise a canine in a low-temperature and snowy region.

  1. Is Bernese Mountain Dog an intelligent dog breed?

Answer: Yes! The Bernese Mountain Dogs are extremely intelligent canines. These pooches have amazing learning and problem-solving skills and they are often placed in the top 25 in the list of most intelligent canine breeds that features all kinds of different dog breeds from all around the world.

  1. Is Bernese Mountain Dog stranger friendly?

Answer: Normally these canines are known to remain fairly shy and reserved around strangers. But if they have been properly introduced to a lot of different people at a young age and they are receiving a consistent training, then they can become fairly cordial and friendly with strangers and new people that they encounter on a day to day basis.

  1. Do Bernese Mountain Dogs drool a lot?

Answer: Yes! The Bernese Mountain Dogs are known to drool a lot. These pooches mostly drool in a very heavy manner after eating or drinking something but apart from this also, they can salivate almost all the time and it is quite important to regularly clean their mouth with a soft cloth so as to avoid risks of any skin or mouth diseases.

  1. Are Bernese Mountain Dogs expensive and high maintenance dogs?

Answer: Yes! The Bernese Mountain Dogs are pretty expensive canines and their maintenance needs are also fairly high. They require a lot of grooming to look good, they need a good amount of exercise and movement on a daily basis so as to remain healthy and contented and they also need constant attention of their loved ones as without it they can become fairly sad. Therefore, it is quite alright to say that the Bernese Mountain Dog is a pretty high-maintenance breed.

  1. Are Bernese Mountain Dogs easily available in India?

Answer: These pooches have a moderate availability in India. They can be found in some of the bigger cities of this country like Mumbai, Delhi et cetera, but if we talk other less famous regions of India, then the availability of Bernese Mountain Dogs is still pretty low.

  1. What is the avg price of a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy in India?

Answer: The average price of a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy in India is around ₹45,000 to ₹55,000. But there are a lot of factors that affect their price in the country and because of that, the cost of bringing a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy home can go fairly high.

  1. Do Bernese Mountain Dogs like to swim?

Answer: This mostly varies from one canine to another. Some Bernese Mountain Dogs do actually like swimming in shallow water and playing various games in it, but others might not be that elated to get themselves wet. Hence before taking your Bernese Mountain Dog for a swim, just check whether he is comfortable around the water or not.

  1. What Colors do Bernese Mountain Dogs Come In?

Answer: The Bernese Mountain Dog is a tri-colored canine and the three colors that are usually found on its coat are:

  • Black (base color)
  • White (markings)
  • Rust (markings)
  1. What is a Bernese Mountain Dog’s lifespan?

Answer: The Bernese Mountain Dogs have a pretty average lifespan of about 07-10 years. But if these pooches are consistently given proper care, exercise, nutrition, and protection, then some of them may even pass the 10-year mark.

  1. What are the most common health issues for the Bernese Mountain Dogs?

Answer: Most common health problems that are found in the Bernese Mountain Dogs are Bloat, Hip Dysplasia, Elbow Dysplasia, Mast Cell Tumor, Cardiac problems, Progressive Retinal Atrophy, and possibly Cataracts.