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  • Origin: China
  • Alternate names: Chinese Pug, Dutch Bulldog, Dutch Mastiff, Mini Mastiff, Mops, Carlin
  • Size: Small
  • Life Span: 12-15 years
  • Popularity: Ranked #31 in 2017
  • Availability in India: Easy to Get
  • Avg Puppy Price in India: ₹15,000 to ₹25,000
  • Dog Breed Group: Toy
  • Guide Dog: No

Is Pug Good for Indians?

Pugs are one of the most easily available dog breeds in India. Their small size and immense cuteness can attract anyone and thus their number keeps on increasing in this country. But that doesn’t mean they are perfectly suitable for the Indian climate. Pugs have a mediocre tolerance level towards high temperatures and anything more than 35°C is not beneficial for their overall health. Thus, in a country like India where in summers, the temperature can shoot up to 50°C, pug owners need to be highly cautious. Cooler conditions (preferably around 25°C) must be maintained around the Pugs via ACs or some other cooling devices, walks or any outside time in the excessive heat should be avoided and they should always be properly hydrated. If proper attention and care are not given to Pugs especially in the summer season, then it may have a harmful effect on their health in the longer run.

Pug Dog Official Breed Standards

Pugs are classified in the Toy group of dogs and rightly so. They are very small and compact in size and appears to be cobby. Basic standards for pugs are mentioned below:

  • Pug Height and Weight

Pugs being so little in size, are significantly lighter in weight and shorter in height. Male and Female Pugs have next to no difference between their body dimensions. Pugs, on average, weigh somewhere around 6-9 kg and stand as high as 14 inches tall.





6-9 kg

12-14 inch


6-8 kg

10-12 inch

  • Coat

They have a fine coat with a smooth and soft texture. Hair is shorter in length and has a glossy finish to it. According to standards, only black and fawn are allowed as the permissible coat colors, but other colors do exist for a Pug’s coat.

  • Body

Pugs have a short body which is as high as it is long. They have a wide chest area and a thick neck which is somewhat arched. Their legs are of medium length and are built strongly.

  • Head

They have a round and large head with spherical eyes which are dark in color and large in size. Their ears are very little and thin and have a soft texture on them. There are large and numerous folds of skin or wrinkles on their forehead.

  • Jaws

Their jaw region is not very powerful and they have a blunt and short muzzle which appears to be square in shape.

  • Temperament

Pugs are loved by millions of people mainly because of their adorable stature but also due to their warm nature. They love to make new friends and have an overall welcoming attitude. They are very gentle with almost everyone and are always ready to spread their love wherever they go. Key qualities of a Pug are:

  • Affectionate
  • Cheerful
  • Courageous
  • Gentle
  • Intelligent
  • Friendly
  • Out-Going
  • Playful
  • Loyal

Pug Overview

Pugs receive their name from a Latin word that means clenched fist. They originated in China and were considered a royal dog back in time. They are known by various names in different places like Carlin in France, Mops in Germany et cetera.

Pugs were always very popular in countries like China but their popularity skyrocketed in India when a famous telecommunication conglomerate called Hutch (known as Vodafone now) aired an advertisement with a Pug in it. In the ad, we saw a Pug following a little boy everywhere he went and everybody in the nation was in love with this little being. And, gradually their numbers and their demand rose in the country. 

Pugs make an awesome house pet because of their affectionate behavior and their adaptable qualities. They are easily adjustable in small spaces and do not require a lot of room for them. They have a caring attitude towards children and loves to spend time with them. They are considered a good option for an inexperienced dog owner as they are quite easy to handle.

But, Pugs also can be a bit difficult for some people as they are not very easy to train. They require a decent amount of time and patience from their owners to be trained. Also, their heat tolerance is not very good and they need to be kept cool in the hot summer season. Pugs are also prone to loneliness and require attention and presence of someone most of the times. So, owners who are working and have jobs should ponder carefully before buying a Pug.

Popular Pug Types and Colors

Pugs have no specific types, they are generally categorized and distinguished on the basis of the colors that they are found in. Pugs have a very limited range of colors that they are present in. Most common Pug colors are:

  • Black
  • Fawn

But, there are some other colors in which a pug can appear. Some uncommon colors for Pugs are:

  • Apricot
  • Silver Fawn

In India, mostly Fawn colored Pugs are found. Black colored Pugs follow them in terms of popularity and availability in the country. People who desire distinct and unique colors opt for Apricot or Silver Fawn Pugs as well.

Pug Dog Breed Characteristics



Sensitivity Level


Affection Level


Potential for mouthiness




Drooling Potential


Barking Tendencies


Energy Level


Friendly towards dogs


Health Issues


Friendly towards other animals




Child Friendly




Exercise Needs


Shedding Level




Social Needs


Good for novice owners


Stranger Friendly




Watchdog Ability


Tolerates Heat


Tolerates Cold


Pug Maintenance and Care

  • Feeding

Pugs should be fed carefully according to their age. Pugs at puppy stage require a minimal amount of feeding but the quantity should gradually increase with the Pug’s age. They can be fed home-cooked meal or commercially produced food as advised by the vet or as per the liking and suitability of the Pug. They are highly prone to obesity; hence, feeding should be carried out gingerly.

  • Exercise

Pugs are a moody breed in terms of spending their energy. They are often very lively and in a playful mood and wants to engage in some form of physical activity, but other times they just want to lie in a comfortable place and be lazy. As pugs are prone to obesity, they should receive a moderate amount of exercise on a regular basis. A short walk in the mornings can do the trick, there is no need for an intense exercise regime.

  • Training

Pugs are a very agreeable breed. They listen to their owners obediently and wants to make them happy. So, training them should be fairly easy. But, they also are quite sensitive and does not respond well to harsh training methods. Raising your voice or behaving strictly is not an ideal way to train a Pug. They require praise, patience and time from the trainers and that can yield positive and better results.

  • Grooming and Shedding

Pugs have a very short haired coat which is quite smooth and requires very little maintenance. Using a medium bristle brush once a week or two to remove the loose hair is more than enough for the Pug. They also require occasional baths particularly when they are dirty or having odor issues. But, they do shed a lot at a frequent rate as well.

  • Health Issues

Pugs exhibit breathing problems like any other flat-mouth breed. They are also not very good at adapting to hot and humid weather conditions. They have a very sensitive eye region and can suffer from various eye related issues like dry eye, corneal ulcers et cetera. Some other health issues common in Pugs are:

  • Pigmentary Keratitis
  • Pug Dog Encephalitis
  • Stenotic Nares
  • Luxating Patella
  • Entropion
  • Visits to the Vet

Pugs are a sensitive breed and are prone to various health problems, hence frequent visits should be made to a good veterinarian for regular health check-ups.

Pug History and Background

Pugs have a very rich history that dates back to the Han Dynasty (B.C. 206 to A.D. 200) when they were the prized possession of the emperors. They lived a luxurious life as companions of the royalty. The Chinese were fond of Pug’s wrinkles which closely resembled symbols for good luck in their language. 

In the 1500s, when China started trading with countries like Europe, the Pugs were brought to Europe. Like their popularity with the Chinese royalty, they were equally loved by the royal families in Europe. They were also adored by very talented artists and painters like William Hogarth and Goya and were featured in their paintings.

In 1860, when the British invaded the Chinese palace, Pugs were brought to England by them. During the Victorian era, their popularity rose to an all-time high. They were loved so much by Queen Victoria that she even bred them. And, this is how their number kept on growing in these countries.

Anywhere the Pugs went, the same amount of love was showered over them. In India, as stated earlier, a simple advertisement from a telecommunication company helped them in climbing up the popularity ladder. And, since then there is a never-ending demand for these little pooches.Â