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  1. Are Whippets hypoallergenic?

Answer: No! Whippets are not hypoallergenic canines. Although, these pooches shed a lot less hair than some other breeds out there and they also do not produce a lot of dander, but still, they might not be the best breed for the allergy sufferers.

  1. Are Whippets friendly with Kids?

Answer: Yes! Whippets are highly friendly and kind to small kids. These dogs love to spend their time in the company of playful and fun-loving children and are known to make a great companion to them.

  1. Are Whippets friendly with other dogs?

Answer: Yes! Whippets are mostly very affectionate and gentle with other dogs. These pooches don’t take a lot of time getting along with other canines and thus are a wonderful option for those people who are looking to raise two canines at the same time in their home.

  1. Are Whippets friendly with cats?

Answer: No! Generally, Whippets are not known to mix that well with other small-sized household pets such as cats. These pooches have a habit of chasing down smaller animals and it is mostly because of their natural sighthound instincts.

  1. Do Whippets make good guard Dogs?

Answer: No! Whippets lack the necessary amount of protective instincts and aggression that are required to be a fairly decent guard dog. These pooches aren’t great watchdogs as well. They mostly remain very quiet and they do not act as efficient alarm dogs who could alert their owners in case of an intruder, burglar or a trespasser.

  1. Are Whippets apartment friendly?

Answer: Yes! Whippets are excellent apartment dogs. They are known to adjust to the apartment lifestyle pretty quickly and they remain immensely relaxed and contented inside their homes if all their exercise needs are properly fulfilled on a regular basis.

  1. How much do Whippets shed?

Answer: Whippets only shed their fur on an occasional basis and that too in a fairly limited manner. These dogs are good for those people who don’t want to deal with a lot of dog hair in their homes.

  1. Are Whippets good for first-time owners?

Answer: Whippet can be a decent breed for the novice or first-time owners. This pooch is very gentle and friendly in nature and is not that hard to handle. Its grooming needs are minimal and its exercise requirements are fairly manageable. Training these canines can be a bit hard for some people, but apart from that, this should be a fairly good option for first-time owners.

  1. Do Whippets bark a lot?

Answer: No! Whippets are very quiet and sweet-tempered canines that don’t like to bark a lot. These pooches only bark when they want their owners’ attention or sometimes to express their feelings but apart from that, they don’t vocalize all that much.

  1. How much exercise does a Whippet need daily?

Answer: Whippets have moderate exercise requirements. These pooches should be taken to long walks on a daily basis in a park or in a properly fenced area so that they could freely move. They also enjoy running at amazing speeds, but you should only let them off their leash if the surrounding area is safe and closed. Regular play sessions are also appreciated by the Whippets; hence some playtime should always be incorporated into the exercise schedule of these pooches.

  1. Can Whippets live alone for a long time in a day?

Answer: Whippets can live alone in the house for a few hours without any problems, but these pooches do not appreciate being left alone for long periods of time on a regular basis. They can gradually become very sad, frustrated and restless because of loneliness and due to this several destructive traits can be developed in these pooches like incessant barking, disobedient behavior, furniture chewing et cetera. Therefore, if you are looking for a breed that you could leave alone in the house for extended periods of time, then Whippet is not the right breed for you.

  1. Are Whippets easy to train?

Answer: A lot of patience is required to properly train a Whippet. These pooches can get easily distracted while getting trained, especially if the training exercises are of a repetitive nature. Hence, their owners should try to make their training sessions a bit more entertaining and interesting for them so that they don’t lose focus during the training process. Also, it is very important to begin their obedience training from an early age so that when they grow up, they can be a bit more compliant and agreeable in nature.

  1. What are Whippet's grooming needs?

Answer: Whippets are very easy to groom. Their coat is only needed to be brushed once every week so as to avoid any matting issues. They only require occasional baths to remain neat and clean. But their ears must be checked on a regular basis for any signs of wax formation and if there is any dirt present in their ears, it should be cleaned as soon as possible. Their nails should be trimmed regularly and finally, their teeth should be properly brushed as well so as to maintain proper dental hygiene.

  1. What is the Whippet's tolerance to heat?

Answer: Whippets have a decent tolerance to heat. These canines can comfortably reside in moderately warm areas without any problems, but still should be given proper care and protection by their owners especially during the summer months.

  1. What is the Whippet's tolerance to cold?

Answer: A Whippet’s tolerance to cold is quite poor. These pooches don’t have a thick coat that could protect them under harsh climatic conditions. They are not very suitable for chilly and low-temperature areas.

  1. Is Whippet an intelligent dog breed?

Answer: Yes! Whippets are decently intelligent canines. They have adequate learning and thinking skills and their problem-solving abilities are also fairly decent.

  1. Is Whippet stranger friendly?

Answer: Whippets mostly remain a bit quiet and reserved around strangers. They are not extremely warm or friendly when they are meeting someone new but they are also never aggressive or hostile towards them. With proper training and early socialization, these pooches can gradually become more sociable in nature.

  1. Do Whippets drool a lot?

Answer: No! Whippets are not excessive droolers. They only drool when they are excited or after eating/drinking something, but apart from that, they don’t drool all that much.

  1. Are Whippets expensive and high maintenance dogs?

Answer: The cost of bringing a Whippet canine home is definitely a little bit on the higher side. But it tries to make up for that with its fairly reasonable maintenance needs. This pooch is very easy to groom, its exercise requirements are fairly manageable and its feeding needs are not that high. Training a Whippet can be a little tricky but this can also be achieved through patience and treating the canine gently during the training sessions. All in all, it is pretty safe to say that Whippet is not a very high-maintenance breed.

  1. Are Whippets easily available in India?

Answer: Whippets have a subpar availability in India. They are available in some of the bigger cities like Mumbai, Delhi et cetera, but when it comes to most of the lesser-known regions of India, finding a Whippet canine is still very hard in those areas.

  1. What is the avg price of a Whippet puppy in India?

Answer: The average price of a Whippet puppy in India is around ₹30,000 to ₹40,000. But there are a lot of factors that affect their price in the country and because of that, the cost of bringing a Whippet puppy home can go fairly high.

  1. Do Whippets like to swim?

Answer: Contrary to popular belief, Whippets can swim if they are given the opportunity, but they don’t necessarily enjoy it a lot. These pooches don’t like to get themselves wet and they are generally not so keen on the water.

  1. What Colors do Whippets Come In?

Answer: Whippets mostly come in the following colors that are listed below:

  • Black
  • Fawn
  • Cream
  • Blue
  • Brindle
  • White
  • Red
  • Tan
  1. What is a Whippet’s lifespan?

Answer: Whippet is a fairly healthy breed that has an average lifespan of about 12-15 years. Some of these pooches may even live longer than 15 years of age if they are consistently given proper care, nutrition, protection, and exercise.

  1. What are the most common health issues for the Whippets?

Answer: Most common health problems found in the Whippets are Arrhythmia, Hypothyroidism, Congenital Deafness, Corneal Dystrophy, and Progressive Retinal Atrophy.