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  1. Are Greyhounds hypoallergic?

Answer: No! Greyhounds are not hypoallergenic canines as they produce a decent amount of dander and they also shed their coat in a moderate fashion.

  1. Are Greyhounds friendly with Kids?

Answer: Yes! Greyhound is an awesome breed for kids. These canines remain highly gentle and careful with small children and they love to spend their time playing a lot of games with kids.

  1. Are Greyhounds friendly with other dogs?

Answer: Yes! Greyhounds have great social skills and they are highly friendly and cordial with other pooches. They are happy to make new canine friends and they have no problem in sharing something of their own with another canine which can be their toys, food, room et cetera.

  1. Are Greyhounds friendly with cats?

Answer: Most Greyhounds have a habit of chasing small animals such as cats and rabbits, and thus they are not considered to be a highly suitable breed for a cat. These pooches were bred for hunting purposes and due to this, whenever they encounter a small animal like cats, their natural instinct is to hunt them down. But this can be improved to some extent through proper training and socialization with various kinds of animals.

  1. Do Greyhounds make good guard Dogs?

Answer: No! Greyhounds are highly docile and gentle canines that are not known for their guarding abilities. They like to remain calm and quiet for most of the time and apart from being not-so-good guard dogs, their watchdog abilities are also fairly limited.

  1. Are Greyhounds apartment friendly?

Answer: Yes! Greyhounds are great at adapting to the apartment lifestyle. As long as they are receiving the proper amount of exercise on a regular basis, these pooches remain immensely happy and satisfied inside their homes.

  1. How much do Greyhounds shed?

Answer: Greyhounds are average shedders. They only shed their fur in a moderate manner and that too on an occasional basis. But, during the shedding period, it is better to regularly brush their coats as it could help in limiting the shedding process.

  1. Are Greyhounds good for first-time owners?

Answer: Greyhounds can be a fine choice for first-time owners, but it is important to regularly fulfill their exercise needs and they also need a fair amount of training and guidance so that they can become more sociable with other smaller animals such as cats. And, if a first-time or novice owner is ready to provide the required amount of care, attention, and love to these canines, then they can surely make a pretty decent first-time pet.

  1. Do Greyhounds bark a lot?

Answer: No! Greyhounds are highly quiet and tender canines who do not like to unnecessarily bark at anyone. These pooches only use their voice when they want something from their owners and family members, but apart from it you generally don’t find a Greyhound barking for whatever reason.

  1. How much exercise does a Greyhound need daily?

Answer: Greyhounds are one of the fastest canines present today on this planet. They can achieve amazing speeds while running, hence it is not wrong to say these pooches like to run a lot. But they also like to rest and relax in the beds, so the best way to fulfill their daily exercise requirements is by taking them on short running or jogging sessions in a properly fenced area. Even daily brisk-paced walks are highly beneficial for these pooches. And, with this, a small amount of regular playtime will not only help in keeping them fit and active, but it will also keep their minds sharp and strong.

  1. Can Greyhounds live alone for a long time in a day?

Answer: Greyhounds shouldn’t be left all alone when you first bring them to your home. But as they start to spend most of their time in their new home, they become more and more comfortable with their surroundings and then, these pooches can be left alone in the house for a long time. Also, it is better to thoroughly train them so that they don’t destroy any of the furniture lying around in the house.

  1. Are Greyhounds easy to train?

Answer: Persistence and a gentle attitude are highly important while training a Greyhound. These pooches can get easily distracted during the training sessions if they find the training exercises to be boring or repetitive. Hence, it is the duty of their owners to make their training sessions more interesting and fun for these pooches so that they could learn new things fairly quickly. Also, it is important to remain patient and kind to the Greyhounds while training them as their feelings can easily get hurt if they are trained with harsh correcting methods.

  1. What are Greyhound's grooming needs?

Answer: Their grooming needs are very low. Greyhounds have a very short coat which only needs to be brushed once every 7-10 days. Their bathing needs are also not that high and a bath every 20-30 days is more than enough for them to stay neat and clean. But it is important to regularly brush their teeth and trim their fast-growing nails as long nails can cause a lot of discomfort to a dog while walking or running.

  1. What is the Greyhound's tolerance to heat?

Answer: Greyhounds are fairly tolerant of high temperatures and heat and they can comfortably live in hot and humid areas, but still, to be on the safer side, it is better to avoid any vigorous exercise during the hotter months and also keep these dogs inside the house if the outside temperature is uncomfortably high for them.

  1. What is the Greyhound's tolerance to cold?

Answer: Because of their extremely short coat and thin skin, these canines have a poor tolerance to cold and low temperatures. They can’t survive in a very cold and chilly region and they should be kept warm and comfy whenever the weather outside the house becomes harsh and wintry.

  1. Is Greyhound an intelligent dog breed?

Answer: Yes! Greyhounds are fairly intelligent pooches who can understand a lot of different commands and instructions given by their owners and they also possess pretty decent thinking and decision-making skills.

  1. Is Greyhound stranger friendly?

Answer: Generally, the Greyhounds remain fairly reserved with strangers and new people. But, if they are properly trained and socialized, then they can become quite friendly and affectionate with other people as well.

  1. Do Greyhounds drool a lot?

Answer: No! Greyhounds mostly drool when they are about to eat their meals or when they want something delicious that their family members are having, but apart from this, their drooling potential is not that high.

  1. Are Greyhounds expensive and high maintenance dogs?

Answer: Yes, Greyhound can be a pretty expensive breed for most people to bring home. But their maintenance needs are fairly manageable. They have low grooming requirements, moderate exercise needs, and are not that hard to train which certainly makes the Greyhounds a pretty practical breed to be owned and raised.

  1. Are Greyhounds easily available in India?

Answer: The availability of Greyhounds in India is not that high, especially in the smaller regions of the country. Their numbers are still fairly respectable in several bigger cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Delhi, but someone living in not-so-popular areas may find these canines hard to find.

  1. What is the avg price of a Greyhound puppy in India?

Answer: The average price of a Greyhound puppy in India is around ₹30,000 to ₹45,000. But there are a lot of factors that affect their price in the country and because of that, the cost of bringing a Greyhound puppy home can go fairly high.

  1. Do Greyhounds like to swim?

Answer: Greyhounds do like to swim in a pool, but as they are so thin and light, they don’t have enough buoyancy to remain afloat on the surface of the water, hence, these canines tend to struggle while trying to swim in a deep water body. Therefore, it is better for them if they are taken to a shallow pool where they can comfortably swim without facing any problems.

  1. What Colors do Greyhounds Come In?

Answer: Greyhounds are mostly found in the below-mentioned colors:

  • Black
  • White
  • Brindle (pattern)
  • Fawn
  • Blue
  • Red
  1. What is a Greyhound’s lifespan?

Answer: Greyhounds have a fairly average lifespan of about 10-13 years. But, if they are given ample care and attention throughout their lifetime, then they might even live past 13 years of age.

  1. What are the most common health issues for the Greyhounds?

Answer: Most common health issues that a Greyhound might face during its lifetime are gastric torsion, intestinal bacterial infections, osteoarthritis, vasculopathy, esophageal achalasia, and tick-borne diseases.