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  1. Are Samoyeds hypoallergenic?

Answer: Yes! Although Samoyeds shed a lot, they still are considered to be a hypoallergenic breed mainly because they produce a very low amount of dander and they are believed to be reasonably allergen-free in nature.

  1. Are Samoyeds friendly with Kids?

Answer: Yes! Samoyed is an excellent breed for kids. These pooches have a playful personality and they are happy to play a lot of games with children. These dogs always remain fairly gentle and careful whenever they are around a small child and thus, they are considered to be a highly suitable breed for kids of all ages.

  1. Are Samoyeds friendly with other dogs?

Answer: Yes! Samoyeds are highly warm and affectionate with other canines. They love the company of other pooches and they are happy to make new doggy friends. Samoyeds have no problem in sharing their things like food and toys with other dogs and that is why this is a great breed for those people who want to raise two canines at the same time in their homes.

  1. Are Samoyeds friendly with cats?

Answer: Well-socialized and properly trained Samoyeds are fairly cordial with most of the other household pets and that includes cats as well. These pooches do get along quite nicely with cats and are known to remain friendly and kind to them.

  1. Do Samoyeds make good guard Dogs?

Answer: No! Samoyeds aren’t known for their guarding abilities, but they do make fairly decent watchdogs instead. They can effectively alert their owners through their bark in case of any intruders, outsiders or trespassers. But as they do not have the required amount of aggression and protective instincts, they are not considered to be good guard dogs.

  1. Are Samoyeds apartment friendly?

Answer: Samoyeds can be a decent fit for the apartment lifestyle but only if all their exercise needs are properly fulfilled on a regular basis. Without the right amount of exercise and work, these pooches will become frustrated and bored, which is not good for their mental health and happiness.

  1. How much do Samoyeds shed?

Answer: Samoyeds are known to shed a lot. These pooches shed continuously all around the year, but the frequency and amount of shedding further increases during the shedding season which is usually the summer months and during that period, regular brushing of their coat is highly necessary as it can limit the shedding process to a certain extent.

  1. Are Samoyeds good for first-time owners?

Answer: A breed that has low maintenance needs is probably the right option for a first-time owner to raise as a pet. And, as the Samoyeds have pretty high grooming and exercise requirements, they might be a bit overwhelming for a novice owner. Hence, these canines are not considered to be highly suitable for inexperienced or first-time owners.

  1. Do Samoyeds bark a lot?

Answer: Samoyeds do like to express themselves through their voice or barking but they do not bark unnecessarily or excessively. They mostly vocalize whenever they want the attention of their family members, but apart from it, they are not known to bark all that much.

  1. How much exercise does a Samoyed need daily?

Answer: A decent amount of exercise is required by the Samoyeds on a daily basis to remain in shape and fit. Long walks or running sessions are good for these pooches but make sure they are on their leash or the area in which you are strolling with your dog is properly fenced. Also, these canines are always looking to play some light-hearted games with their loved ones, hence regular play sessions are also recommended for these dogs as they not only help in keeping these canines active and moving but they are highly significant for their mental well-being as well.

  1. Can Samoyeds live alone for a long time in a day?

Answer: No! Samoyeds are highly dependent on their family members and loved ones and they require the attention of their close ones almost all the time. These pooches should not be left all alone for long periods of time on a regular basis as they can slowly become highly sad, frustrated and demotivated. And, this can eventually lead to various bad habits developing in these canines such as incessant barking, destructive behavior et cetera. Hence, if you are looking for a breed that you can leave all alone in the house for extended periods of time, then a Samoyed is definitely not the right pet for you.

  1. Are Samoyeds easy to train?

Answer: Samoyeds do have the tendency to be a little stubborn and independent especially while getting trained. These pooches require a skilled and knowledgeable owner/trainer who can efficiently control them and train them. These dogs respond in a positive manner when trained with love and affection, hence their trainer should be fairly careful and gentle with them and should refrain from using any harsh training methods and techniques. A reward-based training approach is probably the right way to go when teaching new things to a Samoyed.

  1. What are Samoyed's grooming needs?

Answer: Samoyeds have moderately high grooming requirements. Their soft and woolly coat should be brushed at least twice or thrice every week so as to remove dirt and extra loose hair from their body. But during the periods of heavy shedding, the frequency of brushing of coat should be increased. These canines only require occasional baths to remain clean and good-looking. Their nails must be trimmed at least once every month and their teeth should be brushed on a regular basis as well so as to maintain proper dental hygiene.

  1. What is the Samoyed's tolerance to heat?

Answer: Samoyeds are not highly tolerant of heat and high temperatures. These pooches can live in moderately warm areas but they do require quite a bit of care and protection from their owners so as to reside more comfortably in those hot regions.

  1. What is the Samoyed's tolerance to cold?

Answer: Excellent! These canines have a great tolerance to cold. They can easily thrive in cold and chilly regions and this a fine breed for anyone who wants to raise a canine in a snowy and low-temperature area.

  1. Is Samoyed an intelligent dog breed?

Answer: Yes! Samoyeds are fairly intelligent canines. They have decent learning and problem-solving skills and their decision-making ability is also fairly adequate.

  1. Is Samoyed stranger friendly?

Answer: Yes! Well-trained Samoyeds are very affable and affectionate with strangers. These canines have an outgoing personality and they love to meet new people so that they could make new friends and get ample belly rubs from all of them.

  1. Do Samoyeds drool a lot?

Answer: No! Samoyeds mostly drool when they want something to eat from their owners and family members or when they have just finished their meal and water, but apart from this, these pooches are not known to drool all that much.

  1. Are Samoyeds expensive and high maintenance dogs?

Answer: Yes! Samoyed is a really expensive breed that is not very easy on the pockets of most people. These canines have a lot of maintenance needs as well. They require a fair amount of grooming and exercise on a regular basis and they are not that easy to train as well. They also need a lot of attention from their loved ones and are generally considered a fairly demanding breed. And thus, the Samoyed is rightly deemed as a high-maintenance canine breed.

  1. Are Samoyeds easily available in India?

Answer: Samoyeds have a below average availability in India. These pooches are available in some of the bigger cities of the country like Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai et cetera but when it comes to several smaller regions of India, their availability is still not that high.

  1. What is the avg price of a Samoyed puppy in India?

Answer: The average price of a Samoyed puppy in India is around ₹50,000 to ₹65,000. But there are a lot of factors that affect their price in the country and because of that, the cost of bringing a Samoyed puppy home can go fairly high.

  1. Do Samoyeds like to swim?

Answer: It all comes down to personal preference. Some Samoyeds do enjoy swimming in the pools and playing in the water but others might not be that thrilled to take a dip in the water. Hence, if you have a Samoyed that likes to be around water, then definitely take him for a swim with proper safety measures, but if a Samoyed is not comfortable around water bodies, then he should not be forced to swim or play in the water.

  1. What Colors do Samoyeds Come In?

Answer: Samoyeds only come in a limited number of colors which are listed below:

  • White
  • Cream
  • Biscuit
  • White and Biscuit
  1. What is a Samoyed’s lifespan?

Answer: Samoyeds have a decent lifespan of about 12-14 years. But with proper care, nutrition and exercise, some of them might even live longer than that as well.

  1. What are the most common health issues for the Samoyeds?

Answer: Most common health problems found in the Samoyeds are Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), Pulmonic Stenosis, Aortic Stenosis, Hip Dysplasia, Hypothyroidism, and Samoyed Hereditary Glomerulopathy (SHG).